Wednesday, May 30, 2007

H-Town Visit Highlights

Went home a few weeks ago to celebrate Brooke's graduation from law school. Here are the highlights.

5. Seeing family and friends.
4. Mexican food and margaritas at El Tiempo.
3. Walking around Rice University with Courtney.
2. Introducing Stacey to my loud family.
1. Witnessing this interaction at the West Alabama Ice House:

Brooke (to hot guy): I graduated from law school today. What did you do?

Hot Guy: I graduated from medical school.


(But he did call her after.)


rembret said...

Sorry I missed the happy hour. (It was the princess' birthday.)

Love the exchange Brooke. Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Watching your sister graduate didn't even make it on your top 5? Tough list to make!